Welcome to Scooby-Sax!
The Website of Jeff Rzepiela
www.scooby-sax.com Jeff Rzepiela jazz saxophone transcriptions
Welcome to Scooby-Sax, the website of saxophonist, flutist, and teacher, Jeff Rzepiela.

The website shares information about my performances, my thoughts on jazz improvisation, jazz solo transcriptions, and information on my teaching activities. It is a frequently updated source of some of the best jazz saxophone transcriptions.

Follow the links on the left to see more information about the individual topics.

I recently received this nice comment about the site:

"Scooby-Sax, a website created by Jeff Rzepiela, is a fantastic reference to use for the developing improviser. Being a music educator and teacher at a High School, as well as a private saxophone instructor, I have used the site many times. I love how all the transcriptions are in various keys, making it instantly accessible to use with a wide range of instruments. The selection of particular transcriptions is great, providing insight into some of the great musicians and classic solos throughout the history of this music. If you are an educator, musician, or student, definitely check out Scooby-Sax. There's something there for everyone to learn!!!"

-Alex Silverbook

Jeff Rzepiela

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